Your chapped lips can be reversed in 8 easy steps (includes a DIY)!
Chapped, chronic dry lips are a problem most of us deal with at one time or another. Whether it’s Summer or Winter, dry lips are so frustrating!
Ladies, you know how is it when you want to wear your favourite lipstick, but have to avoid it because it just draws attention to all the peeling and dryness. I’ve been there and it isn’t pretty. If using a lip balm is not helping your dilemma, then one of these surprising, yet easy-to-fix reasons could possibly be the cause…
1. Using Harsh Face Washes
This one surprised me until I put two and two together – whatever face wash I am using will of course make its way over my lips when I wash it off!
If acne is driving you crazy then it can be tempting to reach for a face wash that contains ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Unfortunately, these harsh ingredients can actually be the cause of your very dry lips.
Instead, opt for an organic face wash.
Sweet Orange Foaming Cleanser – $26.95 Add to Cart
I encourage you to shop around, but if you’d like to use what works for me, try La Mav’s Sweet Orange Foaming Cleanser. It contains no harmful ingredients yet the natural fruit extracts in this face wash are potent enough to target my pesky breakouts without drying my lips.
2. Licking Your Lips
We’ve all done it but while licking dry lips can temporarily make them feel instantly moist, you will notice that within a few minutes they will feel even drier than before! The reason for this is because as the saliva dries it strips your lips of its natural oils. Next time your lips feel dry, remember this and resist the urge to lick them.
3. Not Staying Hydrated
Many of us don’t pay as much attention to our lips as we do the rest of our face. If a dehydrated skin can show up as crepey skin on your face then of course your lips will surely suffer too. A lack of water will show up as dry and chapped lips and sometimes a dry lip problem is as simple to cure as making sure to drink 2 liters or 8 glasses of water a day.
4. Using The Wrong Balm
There are many drugstore lip treatments out there that promise to heal your chronic dry lips and while you may notice a huge difference while using it, you will find that once you stop using it your lips are even drier than when you started. This is because these lip treatments contain harsh chemicals that don’t treat the root cause of your dry lips.
Look for lip treatments that contain only gentle and natural ingredients such as the tinted lip treatments from La Mav.
5. Spicy Foods
Spicy foods can dry out your lips so pass on those spicy chicken wings next time you have a get together. Anytime you eat food that sticks to your lips which is most likely spices and salts, you will feel the urge to constantly be licking your lips which as you know by now will further dry your lips! Don’t get me wrong though, spices can be incredibly beneficial for your skin, just see these powerful pantry ingredients for gorgeous glowing skin!
6. SPF Isn’t Just For Summer!
Wind, cold and dry air can all take a toll on your lips. Ever noticed how your lips are especially chapped in the cold, winter months. To prevent the weather from drying out your lips make sure to use a natural balm that contains SPF. Our lips are just as vulnerable to the harmful UVA rays as the rest of our skin and, therefore, require just as much protection.
7. Change Your Toothpaste
Switching to a natural fluoride-free toothpaste might just be the best thing for you. Toothpastes that contain synthetic flavours can cause an allergic reaction that actually result in flakes. You can see the fluoride-free toothpaste I use on this infographic we created: 15 Organic Beauty Essentials Under $50
8. Not Exfoliating Your Lips
Exfoliation is key to getting rid of that dry, excess skin to reveal your smooth skin underneath not just for your face but also your lips. Again, make sure to use only natural ingredients.
A good way to ensure that your exfoliator is all natural is to DIY. Here’s a favourite recipe of mine:
1 Tbsp coconut oil
1 Tsp raw brown sugar or coconut sugar
To use:
Simply massage a small amount all over your lips and gently wipe off with a damp cotton pad.
The coconut oil has a delicious smell all on its own, but if you want to intensify the flavour you can add a few drops of your favourite essential oil.
Try a citrusy scent for a tropical scrub! Even if you have chronic dry lips, after you use this treatment, your lips will feel incredibly soft and the intense moisture provided from the coconut oil will keep your lips hydrated all day.
Have you tried any of these tips? Also, let me know if my chapped lips treatment works for you! If you enjoy this post, thank us by sharing!