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Organic Skin Science

A woman holding LAMAV Sweet Orange Balancing Cleanser and an orange slice, promoting a refreshing body wash.

Happiness is something we all strive for, but are we looking for it in all the wrong places? 

We’re all guilty of thinking and planning too far into the future, looking for quick results and a never ending list of achievements to work through. Thinking that you’ll be happy once you’ve achieved this goal, earned this much money, lost this much weight is one way to remain unhappy for the rest of your life. There will always be something else to achieve before you feel satisfied. 

Happiness isn’t something we achieve, it’s something we feel. And if you’re happy, it can have a significant impact on the mood of your family, friends, colleagues and anyone you interact with on a daily basis. 

Building consistent daily rituals can boost your mood, improve your health and ultimately lead to happiness. As humans, feeling happy every minute of every day may not be realistic, however making some changes when it comes to your “happiness” goals and committing to healthy habits that you enjoy every day can help to put a smile on your face more often than not.



Being appreciative of something positive in your life can change your mood instantly. This can be a person, a gift you’ve received, your health, your job, a delicious meal, or the environment that surrounds you. You can practice gratitude while meditating, deep breathing or writing in a journal. 

Just like a smile or a laugh, gratitude can be contagious. It encourages others to be grateful and find the positive in their day, enhancing the overall wellbeing of you and those around you. Gratitude isn’t just about ourselves either. You can also practice gratitude by doing something kind to show your appreciation for others. This could be cooking a meal for someone, listening to a friend going through a hard time or even making the effort to visit a relative you haven’t caught up with in a while. Whatever it is that you choose to do, it must be unconditional with no expectations of receiving something in return.


Ritual 2. GUT HEALTH

Gut health is a hot topic, and for good reason. Increasing studies show that gut health imbalances can have a significant impact on our mental health and potentially lead to an increased risk of anxiety and depression. Even without studies or a scientific understanding of the gut to brain connection, we’ve all experienced butterflies in our stomach, a lack of appetite when stressed and that stomach drop feeling when we’re scared or something goes wrong. Our brain sends signals to our stomach, and it works both ways. 

In addition to feeling sluggish, gut health imbalances can also significantly impact your skin. Breakouts, dull and dehydrated skin can all be a result of poor digestive health. Including a daily probiotic as part of your morning ritual will support your digestive health and overall wellness. We recommend:


LAMAV’S Beauty Restore

Our natural berry-flavoured inner beauty elixir contains a blend of probiotics that encourage microbial balance in addition to reducing inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, acne and psoriasis! Our Beauty Restore will strengthen your digestive wellbeing and also contains our exclusive Ayurvedic Beauty Blend™ to support the body’s ability to respond and adapt to stress.


LAMAV’S Ayurvedic Beauty Powder

If you’re looking for an all in one supplement, look no further than our Ayurvedic Beauty Powder. This multi-tasking formula not only supports digestive health, it contains 100% of your daily RDI of Vitamin C, along with Zinc and Vitamin A. This multitasker will nurture your gut health for overall wellbeing, improve the body’s response to stress and support healthy hair, skin and nails.



Sleep is an essential contributor to our physical and mental health. Our emotional well-being can easily take a turn for the worst if we aren’t getting enough sleep, and regular deprivation can lead to ongoing mental health issues. According to the Sleep Health Foundation, inadequate sleep affects 33-45% of adults daily and studies have shown that regular sleep disturbance can develop into mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. 

Introducing healthy sleep hygiene habits into your evening routine can help you get the rest you need so that you wake up feeling well-rested, emotionally balanced and happy! Some healthy habits to improve your sleep include:

  • Consistency. Going to be at a similar time each night can help train your body for bedtime.
  • Avoiding large meals and caffeine close to your bedtime.
  • Creating a dark, quiet and restful environment.
  • Avoiding technology and work 1-2 hours prior to bedtime.


Finding time for some self care before bed will also help set you up for successful sleep. Why not try a warm bath, some meditation or even a face and neck massage? LAMAV’s Ayurvedic Kansa Wand will melt away any tense and stressed facial muscles whilst boosting collagen production and promoting firmer skin.


Ritual 4. SUNSHINE

Most of us are aware of the physical health benefits of sunlight. Sunshine is essential for human health as it generates the production of vitamin D, supports bone health and has even been linked to assisting our immune system, lowering blood pressure and preventing disease. Spending time in the sunshine is also one of the quickest ways to turn that frown upside down! Exposure to sunshine helps produce serotonin which will boost your mood, relax your mind and body and even assist with your digestion and sleep/wake cycles. 



Daily exercise isn’t just a great way to stay in shape physically, it also makes you feel good mentally and can be a great mood booster if you’re feeling frustrated or stressed. When we exercise our bodies release endorphins and cortisol which can leave you with an intense feeling of happiness and contentment. Some people who run regularly even say they experience a “runners high” after completing their run.

Committing to daily exercise isn’t easy for everyone. Kids and busy work schedules leave most of us with little time for the gym. However, exercise doesn’t have to be so structured. Putting on your sneakers and walking to get a coffee during your lunch break, dancing to your favourite music after a long day at the office or finding time for a 20 minute yoga session after you put the kids down to sleep can all be beneficial. Finding something that you enjoy and fits in realistically with your schedule is the easiest way to ensure you make physical activity a priority every day.



An unhealthy diet can leave you feeling mentally and physically sluggish. We all know processed, sugar rich foods aren’t great for our body or gut health, but did you know they can also impact the health of your brain? Improving brain health can help balance your moods and emotions, and there are certain foods you can include in your diet to support healthy brain function.



Oats are full of fibre that can help stabilise your blood sugar levels which leads to a more balanced emotional state. They also contain high levels of iron which supports good energy levels and can improve mental and physical performance.



Bananas are such a convenient food to eat when you’re on the run. They give you a natural hit of sugar without the sugar high/low. Thanks to Vitamin B6 and prebiotic fibre, your sugar levels and mood will be stabilised.


Fermented foods are your friend

Kimchi, kefir, kombucha and sauerkraut are full of probiotics to support gut health, which assists with your mood and overall wellbeing. 


Good Fats

Fatty fish, nuts, flaxseed and chia seeds all contain high levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids which have various benefits for healthy brain and body function.


Beans and Lentils

Beans and lentils are packed full of B Vitamins, which can improve your mood as they increase levels of serotonin and dopamine. 



Paying attention to your inputs is essential for mental health stability. If you find yourself in a different mood after scrolling through social media, it’s time to put the phone down or take a serious look at the types of accounts you are following and interacting with. Do they make you feel good or contribute to your mental wellbeing in a positive way? Similarly, watching the news can also leave you feeling down. Our nervous systems weren’t designed to take on the problems of the world and watching devastating news unfold on a regular basis can have a serious impact on your mood and mental health.

If you’re someone who simply can’t go without technology, start small by setting a timer for social media or try distracting yourself with another activity that supports positive wellbeing.