Safe for Pregnant/Breast-Feeding Women
Pregnant women are told time and again that what they put in their bodies is fundamental to the development and welfare of their growing baby, however, what they may not know is that what they put on their skin and bodies can play just as critical of a role. It is common for many women to lather and coat their skin with all sorts of serums, creams and moisturises on a daily basis and not realise that all the harsh synthetic ingredients that may be passing through the skin barrier are being absorbed into their bloodstream. The skin is the LARGEST organ of the body – any harmful chemical you put on it can not only cause damage to you but can also be potentially damaging to your growing baby inside of you.
On average, we use 10 products that contain conventional ingredients like parabens, mineral oils, alkyl sulphates, etc, which when absorbed by the skin daily, used overtime may be capable of causing allergies, skin sensitivities and rashes and more than what we know today. Consequently, what we put on our skin should be natural, healthy, organic, and wholesome and free of harmful and irritating ingredients.
During pregnancy there are already so many doubts and qualms; women shouldn’t have to be distressed about the wellbeing of their baby because of what they are placing on their skin.
La Mav Organic Skin Science is a safe and effective organic resolution for your increasingly changing skin. La Mav can help you maintain a healthy, radiant complexion – the natural organic way minus the reservations. La Mav is registered with Safe Cosmetics Australia and has been certified and regarded as Toxic-Free Beauty.
After the baby is born, breastfeeding is also a process that can wreak havoc on a woman’s skin. It can suffer from tenderness, loss of elasticity and become dry and cracked.
With La Mav Organic Skin Science pregnant or breastfeeding mothers don’t have to sacrifice the health of their skin or their baby/unborn baby in order to fulfill Mother Nature’s calling. La Mav is formulated with all your concerns in mind so they are entirely safe to use whilst pregnant or nursing.
One way to keep your skin from getting dry and dehydrated is with the use of a skincare product that works to lock in moisture and repair and heal skin, keeping it well hydrated even throughout daily breastfeeding. Applying the La Mav Antioxidant Rich Nightly Repair Nectar that can help to increase elasticity and restore, repair and replenish dehydrated skin. The Antioxidant Rich Nightly Repair Nectar is formulated with a collection of natural antioxidants and bio-active anti-ageing ingredients that helps stimulate skin restructuring by preserving collagen and elastin fibers.
Put your mind and heart at ease with La Mav.